Monday 29 August 2011

7.15am Monday 29 August 2011

From the cliff it looks flat but a walk to the beach reveals a choppy 1 foot breaking inshore with a force 3 westerly onshore breeze.

Low 00.31 0.4m
High 06.35 4.0m
Low 12.40 0.5m
High 18.46 4.3m

Below, some local flora and fauna. Note the grass of Parnassus, one of the rarer flowers to be found in Rossnowlagh. (Don't commit the crime of trying to transplant to your garden. It can't survive away from its native wet clay grassy banks) Lots of yarrow and blue knapweed also growing on roadsides during August. And naturalized garden escapees fuschia and montbretia are everywhere.
Ballyshannon/Rossnowlagh and surrounds are a unique area for flowers and butterflies. For detailed information on local flora and fauna check Anthony Begley's new book Ballyshannon - Genealogy and History (History includes a detailed chapter on natural history) at

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