Surf's up again. 2 -3 foot swell with south westerly breeze acting offshore and lifting spray off the waves. Smokin' the inhouse surfer calls it but warns me not to try to use surfspeak because I'd get it wrong. Or dated.
I take issue with surfspeak over the word smokin'. We don't have to go the length of Matthew Arnold (dead poet) who said the wild white horses foam and fret but there has to be word somewhere in between that conveys the wonder of spray blowing off a wave.
Put any suggestions in comment below so that I can quote them in future.
High tide 06.09 3.9m
Low tide 12.17 0.7m
High tide 1828 4.0m
Re evening high tide - if you're very bored you can have a fun afternoon watching inlander cars getting stuck in the rising tide.
I'm shocked you'd take pleasure in watching cars getting stuck in the tide. Shame on you